In this stream I'd like to cover 3 main topics.
-The newly upgraded Warp Modifier and how to use it (as coded by CGCookie Member Cody Winchester!)
-I'll show you how to use hooks with an Armature instead of Empties, and the advantages that come with that.
-And then I'll rig up a quick spring
I'm aiming to do this all in 90 minutes. Gulp. Wish me luck!
Yeah exactly, you can mimic the video but you don't really get deep
Yes that would be a big disadvantage, not having the community here
Also the community, I don't know anyone in real life that does 3D, no one to keep up with the latest 3D trends and advancements
The very first Blender tutorial I ever took was on YouTube, and it was very much like that. I made a ukelele. It was a perfect ukelele, it was identical in every way to the one the tutor made. I was all proud, even. But I didn't really learn how to use Blender to make something of my own by following that tutorial.
That's one of the reasons I have stayed in CG Cookie for so long, teachers here teach very well high above average
Kent does that as well, and JL too
Wayne always takes his time to go deep
It's one of the things I like most about the classes here
Too many times I wish someone would explain the underlying mechanics, and not just follow this, do that, click here
No, I can't wait to see it, I love it when tutors take the opportunity to explain the technical side of a subject or software