• Shawn Blanch(blanchsb)

    Is she saying "Stay"? Maybe she wanted to be on screen more.

  • concrescence

    [Q] Like in a car or table or furniture how do you make the gaps? Like for instance the hood of the car where the hood opens up to see the engine how do you model the gaps you know what I mean?

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    Oh my gosh what happened to her?

  • Yorque Ubaghs(yorque)

    [q] Do you have any tips for animating someone standing still?

  • concrescence


  • t
    tanya (tanya53)

    It was easier to see when you explained it.

  • Jake Korosi(jakeblended)


  • concrescence


  • t
    tanya (tanya53)

    thanks , sure I have the record for submissions.

  • Jake Korosi(jakeblended)

    It would seem so, Shawn

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In this stream Wayne will attempt to answer any animation questions and review a bunch of users work.

Whatever level your animation is at, he wants to push you to the next one!

Please submit any work and questions to the thread here.

Wayne will prioritize animation that is related to CG Cookie courses but is always happy to look at any animation work you want to show.
