Join Jonathan Williamson and myself, Jonathan Lampel, as we talk about how Blender's Open Source GPL license affects the users and creators of free and paid Blender addons.
If you make addons, use addons, or are just spectating the Twitter debates about addon piracy, this is a discussion you won't want to miss!
Each license GPL-2, GPL-2, MIT, Apache, .. treats code rights differently.
[Q] @jlampel here they are:
1/ There’s a parallel to be drawn to OpenFoam, the open source computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver. The code and any physical model extensions are under the GPL license model and as far as I know there’s no such thing as a market for addons.
2/ Business model is based on support and training. No or very little Independent developer, the trend is more for consulting companies to sell their expertise in the software to industrial customer.
3/ also one thing I wonder, and correct me if i misunderstood : if what we pay on gumroad or Blendermarket is the “right to download” the addon code , how is the price defined then? Shouldn’t be the same for all + extra for the developper ?
I got retopoflow from github, but bought it after having played with it. It was definitely worth the money. I think people will pirate stuff, even if it's $1... that has been the case on android/ios market. So, yeah, focus on the right market.
ddll Yep! Many of our courses are on the Blender Market
have you considered releasing only part of the tools in retopoflow for 2.8? the workhorses are the quad-draw and contours tool. i t might shorten the wait for us tremendously, since those have the least bugs, too.
Yay, so glad to hear that Jesse! Thanks for sticking with us!
Hello, I have a question, you have not thought about selling the courses separately instead of subscription?
Don't you thing these paid on hurt those who donate and spend their time and energy in coding for blender development for free
Hello Jonathan squared! Big fan of both of your videos. Been a CG Cookie Citizen for years now. Using the skills you taught me to create my own independent game. I'm a sole developer using Blender, Unity and Adobe CC.