Aaron I've been playing with the 2.8 alpha and it's not THAT different. It'll be more a matter of finding where buttons or options have been moved to, as opposed to learning or having to forget any skills.
Omar Domenech(dostovel)
This month class music theme has been Thunderstruck, seems fitting
Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective)
My power cut out a few days ago too. Bless my Switch!
Kent Trammell(theluthier)
My power cut out yesterday for a few minutes and it was bright and sunny 🤨
Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective)
The only thing I'm worried about is how much that I know is gonna be rendered redundant. It must be even worst for the pros among us who've been doing this for years.
Jake Korosi(jakeblended)
Thunder....I hope this storm passes before the stream starts, I wouldn't want to get disconnected.
Kent Trammell(theluthier)
*pre 2.8 stuff
Kent Trammell(theluthier)
Yes, on the plus side, Blender 2.8 could likely generate fresh buzz and thus fresh influx of users. So that's a good thing. And yes, overtime new 2.8 courses will come out and likely push out pre-2.7 stuff
You've spoken and we've listened! For BC3-1806 we're doing a 5th stream to wrap up the class cleanly. We'll review week 4 homework from the class thread and answer any final questions.
Ah, the ol' switcheroo lol
Hey Omar!
Aaron I've been playing with the 2.8 alpha and it's not THAT different. It'll be more a matter of finding where buttons or options have been moved to, as opposed to learning or having to forget any skills.
This month class music theme has been Thunderstruck, seems fitting
My power cut out a few days ago too. Bless my Switch!
My power cut out yesterday for a few minutes and it was bright and sunny 🤨
The only thing I'm worried about is how much that I know is gonna be rendered redundant. It must be even worst for the pros among us who've been doing this for years.
Thunder....I hope this storm passes before the stream starts, I wouldn't want to get disconnected.
*pre 2.8 stuff
Yes, on the plus side, Blender 2.8 could likely generate fresh buzz and thus fresh influx of users. So that's a good thing. And yes, overtime new 2.8 courses will come out and likely push out pre-2.7 stuff