Je m'appelle ___ is My Name is ___
Thanks for all your kid words people
I know Spanish, and Italian is like 80% Spanish, maybe I have a shot at French
good luck Omar! :)
williamatics Omar is trying to get approved for migration to Canada to pursue a new career in computer graphics. We're rooting for him hard!
I'm told it's easy to adjust to French if you already know another Romance language, like Spanish or Italian.
thecabbagedetective lol
lol Aaron, ditto.
It's an english test I had to take William, to see if I could speak it
If it makes you feel any better I studied French in school and I can't remember a single phrase haha.
You've spoken and we've listened! For BC3-1806 we're doing a 5th stream to wrap up the class cleanly. We'll review week 4 homework from the class thread and answer any final questions.
Classes Modeling
Je m'appelle ___ is My Name is ___
Thanks for all your kid words people
I know Spanish, and Italian is like 80% Spanish, maybe I have a shot at French
good luck Omar! :)
williamatics Omar is trying to get approved for migration to Canada to pursue a new career in computer graphics. We're rooting for him hard!
I'm told it's easy to adjust to French if you already know another Romance language, like Spanish or Italian.
thecabbagedetective lol
lol Aaron, ditto.
It's an english test I had to take William, to see if I could speak it
If it makes you feel any better I studied French in school and I can't remember a single phrase haha.