• silentheart00

    jakeblended Yeah, it's good stuff. There are things in there like color theory that you can use in modeling!

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    Mateusz Baranowski(stormhussar)

    hello by the way everyone ^^

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    Jewgenij Zerkalenkov(eazy)

    Kronk is best :D

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    I think concept art is the heave lifting in the whole process

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    Mateusz Baranowski(stormhussar)

    KRONK! :O

  • lhumungus

    I effin love concept art because it means I don't have to do all the really hard work!

  • Jake Korosi(jakeblended)

    I'm at CGC for learning Blender...but they have those concept art courses, may as well do some of those because why not?

  • lhumungus

    dostovel , yep. *Bows low*

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    Jewgenij Zerkalenkov(eazy)

    So true, I love concept art

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    Most deep respects to people who do concept arts

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This event is part of the March 2018 Class, "Creating Stylized Characters with Blender".

The story plays a big part in stylization. Not necessarily ‘narrative’ but background, personality, and purpose. The success of a character is strengthened by its developmental arc. The best artists create characters that are more than the sum of their pixels; more than the sum of its brush strokes and polygons; more than their final render.

This stream we'll discuss writing a story/background for our character. Also we will commence sculpting our chosen characters.

Classes Modeling