This event is part of the March 2018 Class, "Creating Stylized Characters with Blender".
To kick off the BC2-1803 class, we're analyzing stylization as a concept. What makes it different from reality? How can we train our brains to stylize what we see?
After all, stylization is as old as mankind: From Egyptian hieroglyphics to cave paintings, humanity has always expressed itself with a stylistic aesthetic. This stream is all about centering your inner style. We'll use caricature as an exercise in stylization.
nice :)
They're still in my parent's house, in a closet I believe..
mmalhomsi I did a lot of super sculpy work growing up too. Had a time making custom "action figures"
Pretty sure I've seen most, if not all, the tutorials previously, but never hurts to watch them again :D
"reZolts" - that's sick!
Yessir Matt, that's a good thing to discuss 👌
How is everybody today?
We had great reZsolts with the spread sheets from the last class.
Hey Kent, can you speak to the demand for stylized artists over realistic artists in the studio setting these days? Trying to get my question in before it gets crowded in here!
Lol I imagine it could