This event is part of the March 2018 Class, "Creating Stylized Characters with Blender".
To kick off the BC2-1803 class, we're analyzing stylization as a concept. What makes it different from reality? How can we train our brains to stylize what we see?
After all, stylization is as old as mankind: From Egyptian hieroglyphics to cave paintings, humanity has always expressed itself with a stylistic aesthetic. This stream is all about centering your inner style. We'll use caricature as an exercise in stylization.
I believe Gleb's (creative shrimp) starting to do contests as well.
QUESTION: Do you prefer making stylized art over realistic? And why?
In my opinion, the most important reward here is: knowledge and experience !
A good stuff can be buy, but knowledge and experience cannot !
You have to use your personnal time for this ^^'
I already did.
CONTEST - for CG cookie membership time =)
I feel a bit like Dwight Schrute from The Office saying QUESTION
How do they work? Where can I find more details?
Thanks, cool