free basics

Blender Basics Course

Guest Instructor

Get Started with the Basics of Blender If you're new to Blender then you're in the right place! 

Through this free course, or series of tutorials I'm going to walk you through your first steps with Blender, helping you conquer the initial learning curve. This free course is designed for beginners, even those whom have no experience with 3D whatsoever. I will help you start moving in 3D, showing you how to navigate Blender's 3D viewport and how to add, remove, and manipulate objects. Additionally I'll introduce you to Blender interface, helping you overcome it's quirks and use them to your advantage. 

Next steps? If these Blender Basics have piqued your interest then the next step is to learn modeling. Lucky for you we have a complete course designed just to get you started with the Fundamentals of Mesh Modeling in Blender. The mesh modeling fundamentals is a part of our membership, which is built specifically for aspiring Blender artists like yourself, enabling you to ramp up your skills quick through clear, concise, and structured learning. 

If you're using Blender with anything but a 3-button mouse, then read this page to learn how to Emulate a 3-button Mouse.

Awarded upon completion:
100xp +
Course Curriculum