Hi, I'm trying to learn some Blender scripting and I'm analyzing the "addon_add_object.py" template that comes with Blender 2.82, but I can't seem to figure out what is these lines are doing? What and where did "add_object_manual_map" come from?
A bit of googling and someone said that "This allows you to right click on a button and link to the manual". So "add_object" is the function name defined in addon_add_object.py which leads me to believe <function_name>_manual_map will always add stuff to the manual??? And same thing with "add_object_button" so the convention is <function_name>_button ??
def register():
bpy.utils.register_manual_map(add_object_manual_map) <=== this line
bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_mesh_add.append(add_object_button) <=== this line