*UPDATE* Weekly Wednesday Twitch Stream: Fear and Laziness


The stream begins at 2PM CST (-6GMT)

Artist: Tim Von Rueden (vonn)

Moderator: Ki Kline

Time Converter for the stream - Time Conversion Button


After last week's stream on talking about 5 BIG Artist mistakes, we are continue some real talk with some tough love on the topic of "Fear and Laziness". This is something every artist battles at some point and continues to be an issue that can cripple us from accomplishing our goals. So come join in, share your experiences, and listen to Ki and I as we share our own reflections on the matter and how to push past them. 

And remember, CG Cookie has a Concept Art Livestream EVERY Wednesday at 2PM Central Time(-6GMT)! We do these each week to educate as well as have some fun with the community!


***Watch the Stream NOW***

The stream has now been uploaded to Youtube! Watch by clicking the image below: