alright, i dunno what i'm doing wrong, but this is driving me crazy. i'm using this Vert Paint technique for a big ship mo...

alright, i dunno what i'm doing wrong, but this is driving me crazy. i'm using this Vert Paint technique for a big ship model. last night i got it working for the hull, baked off the diffude and AO maps etc. today, i'm trying to do the same for the cabins, it flat out won't work. from my notes; i've unwrapped the items. went to TEx paint, created a slot cos everything was pink went to the material tab and created a material Went to Vert Paint, and created a new image in teh UV/Image window. this is all as i did yester, but now nothing works. i colour in Vert Paint but nothing shows in the UV/Image window and when i try to bake the Vert Colours i get "no objects or images to bake to" Help :-(