Subsurface Scattering and Color in 4.2

I had a similar question as dduduedri96 so did a little homework. Below is what I came up with.  I’m definitely not a pro, but these are the (rough) settings I settled on in 4.2. For those who come after me, I hope this helps. 

Under Subsurface:

  • Random Walk: Uses true volumetric scattering. Good for thin and curved objects. Preserves fine detail.
  • Weight: 1. This is an on/off switch; an object has it (1), or it does not (0).
  • Radius: Set all to 1. This is the same as shown in the video, for the reasons explained @31:00. No change.
  • Scale: This is most similar to what Kent adjusts @30:00. But, the values are different. Try scale values between 0.4-0.7. Your value here will be responsive to your specific settings in the shader. I was happy with a value of 0.5 for the Hero. For the background grass, try a scale between 0.05-0.1. The background grass is much more sensitive to this change, so a light touch is better. I stuck with the default value of 0.05 for the background grass.
  • Subsurface Color: Works differently than before. It now automatically uses the base color, instead of a separate color. There are a few ways to “nudge the subsurface color.” I wanted direct control I could understand; So, add a new Mix Color node between the last Overlay (into socket A), and the Principled BSDF. Use the B socket-color for the “nudge.” Drop the factor very low. Say, about 0.07.

I hope this helps.


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