What is the best way to submit? I tried uploading it to my youtube channel, but it failed. Sketchfab is so complicated- the file looks nothing like it should, so I didn't publish it. Or, can I just email it to a given instructor?
This will be a video exercise, you can use YouTube or Vimeo.
What is it that failed?
The upload to YouTube or the submission of the link to the exercise?
If it is the upload to YT, be sure you are uploading an excepted video format, .mp4 for example.
If it is the link submission, unfortunately YT short links are not currently excepted.
Read This Thread to fix YT short URL's.
The exercise is tititled Cubeflight for Fundamentals of Animation in Blender. Run time is 334sec, however, when I tried an online .blend to mp4 converter, the file only shows a gray cube spin for 4secs. Grr.. Hopefully this link show it correctly-> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/logzhbrbppatnowg9ok5a/Cubeflight.blend?rlkey=6rce3gz8u57041c9nvz0ejbb4&dl=0
Note: When I go to it, I see this message '.blend files can’t currently be previewed.' you may need to download.
Hi Glen DesertGypsy ,
The easiest way to record an MP4 video of your animation, is directly inside Blender:
Hey DesertGypsy,
There is a lesson in the course called Outputting Animation that explains the process in Blender.
Once you have your final video output, that's what you need to upload to YT.
Success!! I'm so stoked!! Amazing to see how many frames go into an 12sec video, I'm glad there's an option to toggle between frames and seconds on the timeline.
Here's the video: https://youtu.be/GDyVaggg4J4